I crochet shawls for my church's Prayer Shawl Ministry. I had held back this shawl from taking it to church. Each time I took it out of the tote I hesitated and put it back into the tote.
When a DAR friend, Lorraine, asked to make a shawl for Jann, I without hesitation said I have one already.
I was worried it wouldn't be "enough" but wow!
Dear Ellen,
Thank you so very much for this beautiful shawl which I have around my shoulders as I type this… the colors are all my favorites and it has been so cold here & the shawl perfectly covers my shoulders and brings back the most wonderful feelings of when my mom would crochet us vests, booties (for adults) and Christmas ornaments….. my nephew and I were talking on the phone over the weekend about how much we miss mom crocheting and how we never took the time to let her teach us how to do it …… one of my big regrets. I could crochet a straight line, but I could never make a turn around to make the second row! (Does that make sense?)
So not only did your gift touch my heart for thinking of me, but to me the timing was so perfect and I’m not sure if you believe in these things, but to me it was another sign from my mom that she was watching over me during the fires and wanted me to know she was protecting and thinking of me….. which I knew anyway - but the timing of your gift just reinforced that spiritual connection.
So please know your gift is very special and I thank you from the bottom of my heart, it is almost like a secret Harry Potter invisible cloak….. wearing it just makes me feel so safe, warm and cared about. Thank you.
With much love, your kindness means very very much, Jann
